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1x52 minutes


This is a story about a people who once conquered the world, and built the biggest empire in history, on horseback.  

For the Mongols, the horse is their soul, their very sense of being.


But the juggernaut of China’s economic revolution is cutting through the vast grasslands with coal mines, oil fields and wind farms.


Today in Inner Mongolia, the number of horses has fallen from 3 million twenty years ago to barley a quarter of that. And 60% of the people have left for the city.


Yet, the Mongols aren’t giving up. Their struggle and their hope are caught in the dreams of one man, Mr Revolution, a sheep breeder far away in the steppes of Inner Mongolia.


We follow him as he is about to fulfil his lifetime ambition- to swap five sheep for a white horse, the kind Genghis Khan rode in his world conquest.


Will his white mare give birth? And give hope for a new generation of Mongols to follow in his footsteps? In this film we will find out. 






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